About Harrison...

Our lives are incomplete without our son, Harrison Cole Frisenda. In the 7 1/2 years he was with us, he brought joy to everyone who crossed his path. His big, bright eyes revealed a pensive, compassionate soul. His beautiful smile inspired cheerfulness and optimism. Harrison taught us how to appreciate the little, even mundane everyday activities we typically take for granted.

Harrison was sensory driven. He took pleasure in just quietly observing the world around him. He delighted in the outdoors, swimming, and walking the trails for hours. His love for the outdoors was contagious. As a family, he encouraged us to take hikes and enjoy the fresh air. On a snowy day, you could catch him on the swings or playing until he was forced to come indoors.

Harrison showed us bravery and taught us to be patient. His life was not always easy. Due to his anxiety, he was apprehensive to try new things, but he always persevered. And once he overcame his initial caution, there was no holding him back!

Our family cherished Harrison. We had big dreams for him and know he would have accomplished great things. Our hearts are heavy with loss, but we continue to honor our wonderfully unique boy!